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Secret Cape Town: Beauty off the Beaten Track

Responsible tourism is all about using travel to make better places to live in and better places to visit. By curating itineraries that send tourists to off-the-beaten-track places instead of spots that have been marketed to the masses, we believe we are helping to broaden Africa’s tourism footprint and ensuring the sustainability of her most precious gems for future generations.

Immersive Cape Town

At Timeless Africa Safaris we inspire guests to shift their focus from solely pursuing ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ travel experiences to travel that is centred on immersion, engagement, and meaningful human connections.

Instead of simply ticking boxes and replicating what every other tourist is doing when they visit the Mother City, we are passionate about curating unique trips that celebrate the joy of doing what no one else is doing and forging fresh paths. As a pre-emptive move away from the problems that come with over-tourism, we focus on more exclusive, more isolated, and more impactful itineraries and experiences that guests can share with their circles of family and friends.

Sustainable Travel in Cape Town

Another way to make travel more sustainable is to choose to travel during off-peak seasons. Spreading out when tourists visit puts less strain on the city’s infrastructure (water, electricity and traffic congestion) and helps small tourism-related businesses streamline their income throughout the year. Luckily, Cape Town winters (June – August) can be mild and moderate, so we encourage guests to travel here during the cooler months, too.

A change in how we travel could collectively transform Cape Town’s micro-businesses and contribute to this magnificent city’s long-term sustainability.

Embracing Green & Sustainable Cape Town »


Cape Town's Year-Round Gems

Here are just some of the lesser-known Cape Town experiences to add to your list of things to do on your visit:

Cape Town side car adventure

In this article
  • Introduction
  • Immersive Cape Town
  • Sustainable Travel in Cape Town
  • Cape Town's Year-Round Gems

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